About us
The organisation of Twende Foundation
The Executive Board

The board consists of 5 members and is responsible for the management, the administration and external communication.
In Tanzania we have employed our full time National Program manager, Alice Ongoro Taabu. She is responsible for the local operation and manages our coaches, organizes the clinics and training of our people. She is also associate member of the Tanzania Hockey Association and linking pin to local NGO’s and sponsors.
Notarial deed

The foundation was established by notarial deed (15-94562 WL/mvg) dated October 7, 2015 in Rotterdam and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 64297160.
General Benefit Institution (ANBI status)
The foundation TWENDE Hockey has been granted the ANBI status by the Dutch Tax Authorities, meaning that at least 95% of our activities have been acknowledged as “general benefit”. Having this status, means that donations are deductible from taxable income.
Finance & Accounting

The Foundation is a non-profit organization. To achieve its goals, the Foundation will generate donations, sponsorships, and acquire volunteers. 
The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st. The annual accounts are published yearly on our website.

TWENDE hockey is committed to communicate actively with its fans, friends, sponsors, and other interested parties via its social media like website, Facebook, and Instagram
Remuneration Policy
The foundation consists of board members and volunteers. The board performs its function on a voluntary basis and does not receive any remuneration nor expense allowance for the work performed.
The foundation does not employ any paid staff. If this changes in the future, this will be stated here and made transparent in the financial annual report
Creation of the NGO Twende Hockey in Tanzania
At the moment we are taking the required steps to register our own NGO TWENDE HOCKEY in Tanzania. Chairman of the NGO will be Alice Ngoro, secretary Elieza Mwankemwa, treasurer Raphaella Masonda. We estimate to complete the registration in the course of this year.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
At Twende Hockey we are committed to a better future by actively contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our initiatives specifically target the following SDGs:

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